Insider Q&A
Does an annual subscription get me unlimited access to all videos past and present?
Yes! You can see all online classes, icing tutorial videos, live Q&A streams :) These online videos will be a mix of my in-person class cookie sets as well as custom classes.
How many new videos will you be posting this year?
Each month there will be one online video. However, some months there may be two or three!
Will videos only be beginner level?
No! I plan on releasing between 2-3 (or maybe more) intermediate online classes in 2020!
Will we be able to request any specific online video tutorials?
Yes! I plan to poll my Insiders as to what mini video tutorials they would like to see! These will be in addition to my monthly class videos.
You plan on doing live Q&A livestreams. What if I can't watch live? Will they be available after?
Yes! Even if you can't watch me decorate and answer questions live, the videos will be available to watch afterward :)